Sunday, June 12, 3:30pm, Worship Center
EvFree Family,
We are excited to begin the adventure of looking for our next senior pastor. To help keep you informed, we will have a congregational meeting on Sunday, June 12, at 3:30pm.
At this meeting you will:
- Get to meet two candidates from the congregation who are being proposed to serve on the pulpit committee with the elected elders. The committee’s role is to present a senior pastor candidate to the congregation. These candidates will also serve on the committee that does much of the pastoral search work. (Members will give a vote of affirmation for these two candidates during all services on Sunday, June 19.)
- Learn about the search process.
- Hear an update on our staff and get to know some of them.
One of our goals as elders is to improve our communication with you. Congregational meetings are a great way to keep everyone up to speed. We hope to see you there.
In His service,
Fred Ouderkerken