EvFree family,
I’m happy to report that you have overwhelmingly affirmed Amy Kling and Marianne Werschke as members of our Pulpit Committee. Thank you for your strong support. Amy and Marianne will join our elected elders on the committee. This is one of many important steps we’re taking to identify our next senior leader. Two others include:
- We are in the process of selecting a church staffing firm to work with and hope to choose a firm very soon.
- We have selected our Search Committee. They will do most of the hands-on work that culminates in submitting a short list of potential candidates to the Pulpit Committee.
You submitted the names of many wonderful people to serve on the Search Committee. As we did during the elder nomination process, we prayed over this list. The following people have agreed to serve on this very important team:
Chairman: Dan Reyneveld
Congregation members: John Bender, Amy Kling, Kim Long, Joshua Pak, Kirsten Patterson and Marianne Werschke
Elders: Brad Dingfelder and Geoff Smith
I know, WHAT A GREAT TEAM! What’s next? Pray. Pray. And then pray some more!
Pray for God’s covering over these people, for wisdom, discernment, direction and of course unity with the Spirit as they seek to find the senior pastor who will come and join in all that God is doing in our midst.
You can also get involved by submitting names of men you think might be a good fit for us. Email them to search@evfreefullerton.com.
Here we go. Exciting times continue for EvFree!
Fred Ouderkerken
Elder Board Chairman