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We are so fortunate to be living here in the United States where we have access to so much great teaching about God’s Word. When it comes to life transformation, however, more people come to life change through communal experience over knowledge. A lecture or an interesting talk can go in one ear and out the other. But if you can share an experience together, “do life” with one another, and go on a journey, it can be powerful.
There are not many environments out there where we learn how to listen, ask questions, and explore answers within a safe and loving community. In Rooted, we get to learn how to serve others, but we don’t hear a lecture on it. During one of the weeks, we go as a group and actually serve the community together for a day. We learn how to keep one another accountable, not by watching a video, but setting aside time to practice vulnerability, share our weaknesses and pray for breakthrough.
Rooted wraps up with everyone in a room for a dinner to celebrate stories of life change, baptisms and commissioning participants into the life of the body at EvFree and the community. Our aim is for Rooted to be an on-ramp into the family of EvFree, a life of discipleship, and community impact.
Some testimonies:
“I’ve been a Christian for a long time but my walk with Jesus had become stagnant and dry. Rooted helped me see that my relationship with God can go so much deeper.”
“The week on strongholds was the first time I experienced freedom from some of my darkest fears. People listened and prayed for me. It was incredible!”
Rooted will kick off on Sunday, September 11 in the Chapel at 6:30pm. The cost is $40 per person, which includes the workbook and three dinners (Weeks 1, 8, & Celebration). Three options for small group meeting times and childcare are available.
You can register online here or in front of the Worship Center this Sunday and next. For more info, visit the Rooted page here. For questions please contact Cheri Ross at
Eddie Park
Teaching & Discipleship
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